Tempo Trainer Practice
I swam in a 25 meter pool today. I did 21 X 50 meters @ 1.35 seconds per stroke. I took about 18 - 20 strokes on the way out and 19 - 21 strokes on the way back. My best repeat was the first one at 59.2 seconds.
Even with the blips of not always getting the lap time to record on the first try, the trend line was clearly showing a positive slope. I was not able to hold the pace through the workout.
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I continued to have trouble recording the lap times today.
The out leg times generated basically a flat line. The back leg times were pretty much all over the place.
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As it turns out, I ended up swimming in the 25 yard lanes again today.
I accidentally started at 1.41 instead of 1.40. This practice was 1 X 50 @ 1.41; . . .; 1.22
I think that my out and back stroke count was much closer. Out was generally 17 - 18 strokes. Back was 19 - 20 strokes.
I can't say that I noticed my time decreasing through the repeats. If I were to draw a best-fit line I suppose it would have a slight negative slope.
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I was having problems punching the lap timer button. So, my times for the practice are not very accurate. The good news is that it seems like I did get the gasket to seal properly on the watch. I'm not seeing any signs of moisture in the display.
Since the data was not accurate enough, I am not going to do any quantitative analysis.
This practice was 1 X 50 yards @ 1.40; 1.39; . . . ; 1.21 seconds per stroke for a total of 1000 yards.
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I swam in the 50m lanes today. My stroke rate remained pretty consistently in the 45 - 47 strokes per length through all 20 repeats. There may have been one or two lengths that I swam 44 strokes. There may have been one or two lengths that I swam 48 strokes.
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Even after two days' rest the stroke rate was too aggressive. I'm tiring myself out to not gain anything. My stroke count was basically 20 - 21 per length and it took me about 57 seconds for each 50. I guess that, looking back at my data from Sunday, the stroke count was basically what was predicted. But, the time is about four seconds slow. Regardless, I'm too tired trying to maintain this. I don't believe I would be able to sustain it for 2000 yards, much less 4000 yards. And even if I could sustain it, my time isn't improved enough to warrant the exhaustion. read more ...
Tempo Trainer Practice
I did 2 X 50yd @ (seconds / stroke) 1:21; 1:20; 1:19; 1:18; 1:17; 1:18; 1:19; 1:20; 1:21. This was too aggressive. My strokes per length cilmbed and my time increased. I don't know the exact time of my first repetition, but I know it was definitely under one minute by a fair amount. As I recall, I took 37 or 38 strokes. On the last repetition I took 41 or 42 strokes and something like 57 seconds. I was tiring myself out far too much and getting too little return.
read more ...Swim Lesson
Before I forget: My biggest area for improvement at the moment is in my recovery. I need to lead more with the elbow and do a better job of spearing into the water just ahead of my ear. I still tend to reach with my hand and have too shallow of an entry into the water, which wastes a lot of the propulsion that the switch should deliver.
read more ...I am an extremely judgemental person
Yes, that is what I just said and it means exactly what it sounds like. There is no punch line.
The TL;DR; version: I no longer want to be that person. I've carried that weight around for long enough. Starting today, I release myself from my judgemental self and free myself to be my compassionate self.
read more ...Swim Practice
I was still basically at 15 - 16 strokes per length. But, I believe I was able to maintain a higher stroke rate and less rest in between each repetition.
I may be slightly over-rotating and / or extending my arm a bit too far forward.
I'm glad that I'm having another lesson tomorrow, because I think that I really need something new to practice.
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