Tempo Trainer Practice
As it turns out, I ended up swimming in the 25 yard lanes again today.
I accidentally started at 1.41 instead of 1.40. This practice was 1 X 50 @ 1.41; . . .; 1.22
I think that my out and back stroke count was much closer. Out was generally 17 - 18 strokes. Back was 19 - 20 strokes.
I can't say that I noticed my time decreasing through the repeats. If I were to draw a best-fit line I suppose it would have a slight negative slope.
One thing I can say is that I concentrated much harder on the last two repetitions and those were my fastest repetitions by a pretty good margin. I was not able to break 54 seconds, though.
Overall, I did take much less rest in between repetitions. There were a few rest periods that were on the longish side (relatively speaking to the other rest periods). But, just eyeballing the data from the past three days shows that I have brought the rest time down from one day to the next.