I was having problems punching the lap timer button. So, my times for the practice are not very accurate. The good news is that it seems like I did get the gasket to seal properly on the watch. I'm not seeing any signs of moisture in the display.

Since the data was not accurate enough, I am not going to do any quantitative analysis.

This practice was 1 X 50 yards @ 1.40; 1.39; . . . ; 1.21 seconds per stroke for a total of 1000 yards.

I was very happy with this practice. I felt in control all the way down to 1.21 seconds per stroke. My stroke count held pretty consistent at around 17 - 19 strokes out and 18 - 20 strokes back.

I can't tell accurately if I got faster all the way down to 1.21 or if I levelled out at some point. I don't think I ever swam as fast as 53 seconds per 50, but I would confidently say that I was staying around 54 - 55 seconds. I can also say with reasonable confidence that I did get faster from 1.4 down to about 1.32. Beyond that point I can't draw any conclusions.

I hope that the data collection is more accurate tomorrow. While I won't be able to compare the times from tomorrow directly with the times from today, I hope that I will be able to get a clearer picture of whether I continue to improve my speed from 1.40 down to 1.21.

1.21 felt much better for me today than it did on Thursday or Monday. But, I'm guessing that it's probably still too fast.

Overall the practice felt good. I never felt like I was struggling.