Stationary Bike #1
I rode the Cybex upright using the heart rate program at 130 bpm for 45 minutes and a total of 12.59 miles. This compares surprisingly favorably to my two other 45 minute workouts which totalled 12.52 and 12.62 miles at a heart rate of 138 bpm.
read more ...Multi #6 (Brick)
I rode for 30 minutes on the Cybex upright using the heart rate monitor program at 130 bpm for a total of 8.31 miles.
I ran 27 laps in 15.1 minutes at an average pace of approximately 9:00.
While the workout was definitely easier than what I've been doing previously, I think that it is still definitely challenging enough to force my body to adapt and get stronger. I plan to keep the intensity lower for the indefinite future, possibly all the way through this season.
read more ...Multi #4
I am definitely tired.
I not only adjusted the masters swim, I also cut it short.
I backed down the run to an easy pace. I think my heart rate was in the upper 120's. I ran 50 laps in 30 minutes for an average pace of 9:36. This was much more enjoyable and exactly what I need.
I'm going to bring my bike workouts down to a heart rate of 130. I'm going to do an easier swim workout on Friday.
read more ...Run #1
I did a "free" run for one hour. Today the weather was absolutely gorgeous.
I don't have any idea what my total mileage was. I looped out quite a bit too far and had a decent walk back home at the end (from Kipling and Jewell).
I still don't find the run to be enjoyable. It's hard work that requires me to maintain my determination to stick with it.
read more ...Rollers
I rode for 90 minutes in three 30 minute repeats. I kept my heart rate in the low 130's.
Unfortunately, it appears that I cleared the stats when I was done doing the ride. But, I do have the accumulated mileage on the computer and doing the math it looks like I rode 31.5 miles.
read more ...Tempo Trainer Swim
200 wu @ 1.3; 2X50 fingertip; 2X50 catchup; 4X50 fist; 5X100 @ 1.2 on 20 seconds rest; 4X50 ear hop; 4X50 catchup; 100 cd @ 1.3
Stationary Bike #1
I rode for 30 minutes on the Cybex upright bike using the heart rate program at 135bpm for a total of 8.38 miles. I was surprised that my mileage was greater today than yesterday's mileage because I was talking to somebody while I was riding and I think I maintained a higher cadence. I thought the higher cadence would result in a higher heart rate which would cause the bike to use a lower gear and thus generate a slower speed. I know that in previous workouts it seemed clear that bringing my cadence down somewhat resulted in a higher speed.
read more ...Multi #6 (Brick)
I rode the Cybex upright using the heart rate program at 135bpm for 30 minutes and a total of 8.2 miles.
I was feeling tired while I rode to the fitness center and it was a good choice to back down the heart rate. I'm going to keep it at 135bpm for at least a couple weeks I think.
I ran 30 laps in 15.3 minutes, which equates to a pace of about 8:10. I wasn't really aiming for a pace that fast. I probably had my heart rate a little higher than I was planning. I want to bring my heart rate down for the run for the next couple weeks or so.
read more ...Multi #4
I had to make adjustments on just a couple of sets in the masters workout today. One set we swam 600m straight. I swam 500m. Another set we swam 600m broken up into fast 100m / medium-slow 100m. I swam three fast 100m and two slow 100, skipping the last slow 100m.
I brought my speed down a bit on the 30 minute run, although I think I was still in Zone 2. I ran a total of 54 laps in 30.3 minutes, for an average pace of just under 9:00 miles.
read more ...Run #1
Today's workout was 60 minutes. I didn't want to run around Kendrick Lake for an hour, so I headed out for an "open" run. Consequently, I don't have any idea what my pace was as I don't know the total distance I ran.
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