Recently I came across a Tedx talk in which the speaker said "leaders are readers" and that everybody should be reading every day. He went as far as to say we could all afford to spend 10 minutes reading every day, and if we did so we would end up reading twelve books each year. What he said made sense to me and I decided to start reading. I chose a book, "Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life", by Gregg Levoy that I had in my basement and which I had read previously. This morning I read a section that told the story of a woman who was a dancer and how she eventually started painting and seeing if she could also dance the painting. As I read the story, the thought came into my mind that I think I need to dance. It's not that I want to dance. In fact, dancing ranks among some of the things that I least want to do. That fact is one of the key reasons that make me think I must do it.

I am an intellectual person. I'm happy living in my mind. I'm not comfortable living in my body. The type of dance that most appeals to me on YouTube is that athletic and robotic type of dance like dubstep and locking and popping. I like being taught certain moves and being able to practice and master them. So, I think the type of dancing that I most need to do is more along the lines of Nia, where I just need to express myself by moving my body. However, I don't believe my fitness center offers Nia; I guess I'll have to go for Zumba.

I don't mind admitting that the point of dancing is to help me figure some things out; I'm looking for that spark of insight and creativity that comes from doing something unfamiliar and uncomfortable. I don't expect to like dancing and I make no promises how long I will continue to do it. But, for the moment I am openly declaring to the Universe that I will expose myself to this experience.

Oh, and by the way, at least I managed to write two blog entries in two days in which I touched on my current mental state.

I give thanks to the Universe for the abundance it provides me. I surrender and am open and ready to receive.

Bhavatu sabba mangalam - May all beings be happy