Milestones achieved, goals still to be reached
I have been working hard to get pieces in place for Udemy's Black Friday promotions. I've got five courses published. I have finally started doing some work to improve my very first course and hope to have an entirely new section added to that course today. I've got a whole bunch of course ideas ready for me to start working on and I'd like to have at least ten published courses by the end of the year.
I'm proud of the focus I've placed on building my new business and I'm reasonably happy with the evidence I'm starting to see mounting that I'm on the right track. Since I have been focusing on building my business I've had to take a different strategy with regards to my workouts. I have been doing interval workouts on the bike and the treadmill / track.
I have been skipping my swim workouts because I didn't want to devote that much time to a single workout. Last night I decided that I really needed to get back into the water again. As I was up by around 2:30 this morning, it was no problem for me to get to the pool on time. I enjoyed the workout and had the lane to myself.
I've still got a lot more work I need to do to lay the foundation for success in my new business AND I need to make sure I'm maintaining a good balance in my life between work, family and exercise. Now that I've made it to the Black Friday promotions on Udemy, I'm going to bring down the focus on work a bit and put a bit more on family and exercise.
I give thanks to the Universe for the abundance it provides me. I surrender and am open and ready to receive.
Bhavatu sabba mangalam - May all beings be happy