Today's scheduled workout was Bike 2:30 Z2.

I rode down to Morrison Rd past Bear Creak Lake Park, onto the frontage road by Bandimere, up and over to Dinosaur Ridge into 40, onto the Golden Trail to Johnson, up to 19th and as far up Lookout Mountain as I could make it before needing to head back. I came back and continued with Rooney Ridge back into Alameda to Jewell.

I still feel very weak and slow on most of the ride. But, I did feel noticeably stronger on the Alameda into Jewell leg and I think I barreled down the downhill part of Rooney much better than I have before. I think that the workouts are proving effective. I've got to believe that by sticking with the program I will be ready on August 2. At any rate, I don't think my body can take more than I'm doing right now. I'm so glad that I've stayed healthy this season.