I rode the Lookout Mountain route again today. I was a little slower than the last time I did it. When I reached 19th and 93 I was at around 50:40. So, I think I was pretty close to on schedule. I didn't make it as far up the mountain as I did last time before I reached about 1:06:00.

The weather was pretty nice today. I felt a little too warm on the way out, but was glad that I had the extra layers on the way back.

This is an enjoyable workout. Based on my current level of fitness I think that it's just challenging enough. I look forward to seeing my improvement and wonder how long it will take until I can make it all the way to the top of Lookout Mountain within my two hour workout. Maybe it's too far for it to ever fit within that time frame. I'll still be able to tell if I'm getting farther up the mountain within a certain amount of time.