A new venture
I have been working hard since Wednesday to get my Kickstarter campaign off the ground. I knew that it would take time, but didn't know it would take this much time. I'm having to get up to speed on social media and spending a good deal of time working to get the word out.
I feel a mixture of emotions including excitement, hope, frustration and fear. Things are off to a slow start with regards to backers. I haven't gotten any new backers today and righ now I've got a total of five backers and $305. I've got a long way to go to reach $64,000. Mostly I think that I need to stick with it, be patient and learn everything I can from the experience.
On Wednesday, I was contacted by a company that provides help getting the word out. After talking to them on Thursday I decided to engage them. Today I got the draft of the press release and I made my edits and sent it back to them for submission. I don't know if it will go out over the weekend or if it will go out on Monday.
I've done lots of "tweeting at" other relevant twitter profiles. One of my tweets has gotten me a phone call with @TalkingDrupal next Tuesday. I don't know if this is a screening for Wednesday's podcast, but I hope that it does result in me being interviewed for one of their weekly Drupal podcasts. I should get a lot of exposure from being interviewed by them.
I have a list of people I want to email directly that I haven't made my way through yet. I also am thinking that I may contact High School career counselors to ask them to get the word out to their students.
Onward and upward!
I give thanks to the Universe for the abundance it provides me. I surrender and am open and ready to receive.
Bhavatu sabba mangalam - May all beings be happy