Tempo Trainer Swim
Before I left for the workout I checked the tempo trainer and verified that it was set to about 1.25 seconds per stroke. I swam 4 X 100m and increased the stroke rate .01 after each one. Checking the tempo now, I see that it is around 1.22 seconds per stroke. I think this is a good rate for me to use for a while. I think I'm starting to reach the limit of where I maintain whatever technique I have. I'm not feeling too tired, but I am feeling that I'm approaching slipping too much water.
I'm really glad that I came across the information that pushed me to finally explore increasing my stroke rate. I think I'm on the right track now to increasing my swim speed. It definitely is possible for me to maintain the same relaxation and level of effort with the higher stroke rate. I'm aiming to reduce the seconds per stroke to 1.18 (as my initial goal), which is what Danny had recommended at my last lesson (many months ago) with him.
When I counted my strokes on the last 25m I came in at around 25 strokes.