I had read a blog post and watched a video and concluded that I really needed to increase my stroke rate. So, for this workout I decreased the seconds per stroke by .03 seconds. I swam 16 X 100. I can say that I definitely felt more tired getting out of the pool than I did on Tuesday. But, I think that part of the reason is that I not only increased my stroke rate, I also increased the effort I put into the catch and pull for at least part of the workout. I don't think it was a conscious intention to increase the effort. I think it was just a reaction. So, I will make sure to focus on relaxing my catch and pull more on my next swim workout and see how that goes. Regardless, I think it is the right thing to do to increase my stroke rate. I'll just have to make sure that I'm not overexerting myself with my overall workout load during the week.