I just went snow shoeing in my backyard!

Well, I did snow shoe from my backyard to the reservoir to which my house backs up. I got to break the trail -- except for the fact that the doggies were charging ahead of me -- most of the way, too.
I would say that this is the biggest -- and only truly significant -- snowfall we have gotten this winter. It's gorgeous! After I finished shoveling our driveway, I really had an urge to do some snow shoeing. But, I'm wasn't sure how easy it would be for me to get to one of the open spaces and I didn't want to eat up too much of the afternoon. Fortunately, I thought of the fact that I have my very own trail right in my backyard.
The trip around the reservoir with the doggies was just about perfect. There was fresh, clean snow; cool, crisp air; and a view of the foot hills. We all had a blast.
I give thanks to the Universe for the abundance it provides me. I surrender and am open and ready to receive.