Almost Paradise

The Universe has a funny sense of humor.
Lana and I planned a trip to Telluride for this past weekend. We planned to drive down on Friday and return on Monday. Thursday afternoon I had a bunch of web development work dumped on me, with one of the projects having an urgent deadline of Tuesday morning (today). To make a long story really short, I worked on my laptop in the car on the way down until the laptop's battery ran out. I worked late on Friday night at the hotel. On Saturday and Sunday, after spending the day hiking with Lana, I worked late in the evenings. When I got home last night I also put in a lot of hours.
The scenery and foliage on the drive down (285 southwest to 50 west) was absolutely spectacular. Too bad I missed a couple of hours while I was working on the computer. Telluride was like paradise to me. Too bad I spent so many hours in the evenings working.
So, what's so funny about this? I struggled so long to get web development work and had so much time on my hands. When I finally plan a vacation, then I get hit with a bunch of immediate work (with great prospects for more down the road). I have to wonder if I got all of this work because we planned this trip; maybe the Universe saw that I was finally really ready to let abundance start to flow in my life. Maybe the Universe wanted to make sure that I could enjoy the trip, knowing that money was coming in to pay for it. Maybe the Universe was giving me a taste of what I would call my dream life: working from anywhere in the world I want and making good money doing it.
By the way, that is an actual photo of me on one of the trails on Saturday morning. I am NOT standing on a set in front of a backdrop. It's just breathtaking, isn't it?
Whatever the case is, Universe, let it flow! I am so grateful for the potential you have placed before me. I give thanks and I surrender. I am open and ready to receive.