I got the golden(rod) ticket!
I have received the first of two letters that provide me my employee information to be part of the sub pool for Jefferson County. Once I get the second letter, which contains my password, I will be able to sign in and finish the application process. It is encouraging that my paperwork was processed so quickly; we had been told that it could take three weeks or more. It appears that I have been moved to the front of the line.
I am glad to be the apparent recipient of some VIP treatment. I assume that I will be part of the high priority call queue for the sub openings. So, perhaps I will soon be able to put in place a more structured work schedule.
I am hoping that I will be able to take on sub assignments at the school with the computer science teacher opening so that I can reach a decision on which way that opportunity will go.
I give thanks to the Universe for the abundance it provides me. I surrender and am open and ready to receive.