Now that we've got that straightened out
I was able to pick up my summative evaluation yesterday and drop it off with the rest of my paperwork. That's the good news. The bad news is that my supervisor had written a rather scathing review; I won't get into that, though. So, now I was in the position that the evaluation could prevent me from being considered for substitute teaching. When I dropped off my paperwork I explained what the situation was with the review and also told my side of the story.
The phone was ringing as I walked in the door. It was the lead technician calling to talk to me about the performance review. We chatted briefly, I told my side of the story, and she suggested that I come in for a face-to-face meeting. It seemed pretty clear that she intended to put me in the sub pool, but just wanted to make sure I was clear on expectations. Interestingly, as we were talking and she was looking over my record she noticed my computer science background and mentioned that there was an opening for a computer science teacher. She wondered if I might consider it, as apparently it is hard to find people who are Highly Qualified to teach computer classes. I stammered an almost incoherent response about how I wasn't really looking for a full-time position, but I suppose I could consider it. We then set a time to meet.
[Side note: Fortunately, I was able to retrieve a scanned copy of a letter of recommendation that my supervisor had written two months prior to the evaluation that essentially completely contradicted what he had written in the evaluation. While I don't think that this evidence was necessary to sway the technician, it was still nice to have that bit of vindication to show that my side of the story had plausibility.]
What a strange turn of events! Right now the plan is to see about having me do some substitute teaching at the school with the computer teacher opening. I'll have to see how quickly they finish processing my paperwork and whether the position has already been filled. But, there is that possibility that I may actually be entering the teaching profession again. Stay tuned.
Thank you for the abundance you provide me, Universe. I surrender. I am open and ready to receive.